Rosa Red Leonardo da Vinci® - Rose Red Leonardo da Vinci®
Rosa Red Leonardo da Vinci® - Rose Red Leonardo da Vinci®
Qualität: | Versand: | Preise: | Versandzeit: | Verfügbarkeit: | Bestellen: |
A-Qualität 3 Triebe | ![]() |
Einzelpreis: 8,50 EUR ab 5 Stk. = je 7,95 EUR |
Oktober bis Mai |
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Lieferzeit: 4-10 Werktage, Saisonartikel sind extra gekennzeichnet
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[Eine neue Frage an die Baumschule Eggert stellen!]
i dont understand why the growth indicated for this standard rose is 40 to 60 cm, i supposed that the standard rose should be taller.
a height of 40-60 cm is what you can normally expect of the rose Red Leonardo da Vinci, if you cut it back every year. If your soil is very fertile, it might grow higher - but not very much.
Yours sincerely
Baumschule Eggert
a height of 40-60 cm is what you can normally expect of the rose Red Leonardo da Vinci, if you cut it back every year. If your soil is very fertile, it might grow higher - but not very much.
Yours sincerely
Baumschule Eggert
Eintrag hinzugefügt am: 20.11.2015